Sun Dublan
Chrismas Greetings 
We celebrate each year the holy Christ Child's birth.
He was born of Mary condescending to come to earth.
He is the great creator as the Son of God he came.
As our Redeemer and our Savior we praise his Holy Name.

  As witness to the shepherds the Herald Angels sang.
Through the starlit heavens the glorious message rang.
Peace on earth they sang good will to men on earth.
To Bethlehem they hastened to witness the baby's birth.

  Naoma and I are here at home absorbing the season's joy.
Celebrating our Christmas and the birth of heaven's boy.
We follow our family's traditions decorating and trimming the tree;
Feeling the love of our neighbors and God's love for you and me.

  We ponder the greatest gift that is still so freely given.
And wonder what we can  give to the glorious king of heaven.
We know what is required of us an humble and contrite heart.
Giving service to each loved one, being anxious to do our part.

  We send our love and greetings and wish you the blessing of love.
That love that comes from serving each other and the Lord above.
Have a very Merry Christmas may the spirit of His love abide.
Filling your heart with gladness every trouble and sadness hide.


Our love to all of you our family friends and loved ones.

Keith and Naoma Bowman Christmas 2002

3/6/2003 Webmaster: Troy Bowman